Volume 17, Numéro 4, Pages 23-33
Authors : Hountondji Babilas .
The village of Monzoungoudo in Benin has an abandoned gushing artesian borehole located near the production well that feeds its mini drinking water distribution network. The problem that arises precisely here is the use of the abandoned artesian drilling of Monzoungoudo as a piezometer associated with its production well while removing all parasitic flows to allow to identify the variations of pressure at the head of drilling and to calculate the value of the average drawdown at the coordinate point (r =33.74m; h=286.65m) from which there is a decrease in the drawdown as the production flow increases with population growth. The function of Theis and the flow equations around the wells that are deduced from them, assuming simplifying equations, allow us to study these effects. This paper proposes the solution to this problem.
Abandoned drilling ; piezometer ; production wells ; drawdown ; Monzoungoudo ; Benin
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Hountondji Babilas
pages 165-180.
Hountondji Babilas
Codo François De Paule
Aina Martin Pépin
pages 197-206.