Revue d'économie et de statistique appliquée
Volume 17, Numéro 3, Pages 39-52
Authors : Kouadri Norhene . Cherif Assia .
The study of the relationship between ICT and economic growth is important as it provides crucial information for policy decisions. In this study, we seek to determine whether there is a digital divide between 15 MENA countries and to investigate its impact in the short and long-run on economic growth using Panel ARDL models. The panel data take the period of 2000-2018. The PMG and DFE estimations are applied in this analysis, the Hausman Test is conducted to decide between them; as result, PMG estimator is more efficient. We found that there exists a big digital divide among MENA countries. Furthermore, The PMG estimator results indicate the existence of a strong relationship between economic growth and ICT indicators in MENA countries, in the long-run, while the relationship in the short-run is insignificant.
Digital divide ; Economic growth ; MENA region ; Panel ARDL
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
كبير مولود
قشام إسماعيل
بن العايب عبد العزيز
ص 109-128.