مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية
Volume 5, Numéro 4, Pages 73-90

دور عائلة بني حمدون في تثبيت أركان دولة الفاطميين بالمغرب 280 - 360 هـ/ 893 - 970 م(

الكاتب : نورالدين مسعودي .


This research includes a study on the role played by the Bani Hamdoun family in the dissemination of the Ismaili da'wa in the Maghreb and its great contribution to the consolidation of the foundations of the Fatimid state in Maghreb. In order to reveal this family, we have divided this study into four elements.We discussed in the first; the origin andproportions of Bani Hamdoun, and touched on the history of the family , its doctrine and the beginning of its presence in the Maghreb, In the second element, we discussed the state of Bani Hamdun in M’sila and al-Zab territory . The third element dealt with the Bani Hamdoun stand against the opponents of the Fatimid state.

الكلمات المفتاحية

بني حمدون؛ الفاطميين؛ المغرب؛ الأندلس.