Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 177-196

"al-hadiths" Information Retrieval

Authors : Harrag Fouzi . Hamdi-cherif Aboubekeur .


We are interested in text mining as applied to the Arabic language using the vector space research model. We show that the use of Arabic roots as means of indexing terms as well as the use of statistical methods has a direct impact on the research performance within the vector space model. The proposed system is a text mining called Authentique (in French language Authentification automatique) whose aim is to provide a list of prophetic traditions "Hadiths" classified according to their degrees of similarity based on a given query. Among the other implemented classic text mining methods in Authentique are TFIDF Weight and cosine measure.


Al-Hadiths - Information Retrieval