FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 61-75
الكاتب : طـــبــجـون رابـح .
Children’s stories unveil and explain important aspects of knowledge. They present subject matter that helps improve moral education and suggestion, and respond to the children’s love of exploration and discovery; they enhance children’s imagination and question their attitude to and understanding of human nature and its achievements. Finally, stories help children explain the various worlds around them. Children’s stories taught at school provide children with emotional security and instil in them a sense of belonging and consolidate their love bonds with others. More importantly, stories teach children independence of mind and nurture the growth of their personality.
القصة المدرسية ، الآفاق ، تطبيقات بيداغوجية
عزوز وردية
بوعناني سعاد آمنة
ص 421-434.
برماتي فاطمة
ص 248-268.
عزوز وردية
بوعناني سعاد آمنة
ص 133-150.