Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 423-434

The Use Of English Idioms In Oral Expression And Translation

Authors : Bouhadiba Zoulikha .


diomatic expressions are part of every language. They are generally used as a kind of illustration both in the written and the oral form of language. They sound like old proverbs and are most of the time used informally, though they appear here and there in the flow of ideas and events of literary works. The main difference between idioms and proverbs is that the former constitute a group of words whose meaning is not explicit even when one knows the meaning of all the words that compose the idiom. The latter, though it may at times be confused sometimes with the former, generally proposes certain behaviour, or suggests to avoid a certain misbehaviour, and, therefore, carries a moralizing message.


English Idioms - Oral Expression - Translation