Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 157-168

Evaluating Learning As An Educational Strategy

Authors : Ghouar Amor .


Field experiments and experience show that in the English department (University of Batna) the more learners progress in their courses the less they are evaluated on the oral and phonological aspect of the language they are learning. The focus in the last stage of their training (third and fourth years) tends to neglect learners‟ mastery of oral communication in the foreign language, because learners take more written courses than oral ones. In addition, success and / or failure is determined only through written exams. Furthermore, official texts and directives assert that Teaching English as a Foreign language in Algeria aims at enabling communication in the target language. Meanwhile, courses distribution in the English department programs show the imbalance between what the theory suggests and what goes on in practice. In fact, two oral courses against eleven written ones that students follow throughout the four years develop the skill of writing on behalf of the skill of speaking. Contradictory enough, this learner- once a teacher- will need to speak more than to write


Evaluation - Educational Strategy - Learning