Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 47-61

The Translation Of The Arabian Nights And Its Effects On British Literature In The Eighteenth And Nineteenth Centuries

Authors : Bouteldja Riche .


Modern translation studies are originally embedded in linguistic studies before the expansion of their goals and methods. So much has been written on the influence of literary theory on translation, and on the influence of literary theory on translation, so far rare are the studies which show what implication can be drawn from translation studies for the criticism of literature. Translation thus includes the inheritance of intellectual property from previous generation. This article will deal with the influence of translation on British literature with relation to the English Translations of The Arabian Nights. Actually, Shakespeare was one of those who has been influenced by the oriental charater, which was derived from the Arabian Nights. This is due to the success of this latter in the 18th and 19th centuries England, the tale was translated at the start of the Enlightement period. The Arabian Nights is the magical carpet which has permitted many of British authors to escape their Western environment, and write a text that reads like a symposium on love and evil.


Literature Criticism ; The Arabian Nights ; Translation ; British Literature ; Literary Influence.