مجلة إشكالات في اللغة و الأدب
Volume 9, Numéro 3, Pages 559-576

What Is Behind Language Learners' Failure To Request Politely?

Authors : Baadache Hind . Hoadjli Ahmed Chaouki .


The present study aimed to investigate why second year students of English at Batna2 University often fail to use polite requests properly. Methodologically, the researchers opted for a qualitative approach, and a case study strategy. To collect data, two tools were used: a classroom observation and interview. As for the sample, first year teachers of grammar were chosen purposefully. Ultimately, the findings revealed that the teachers of grammar focus on the linguistic structure, rather than its use and function in real life situations, and often neglect the pragmatic dimension. Accordingly, it was suggested that EFL teachers and learners should be aware of the importance of learning and using the linguistic form and relevant social and contextual features.


linguistic form ; polite request ; pragmatic dimension ; pragmatic failure ; social features ; context features