الحوار المتوسطي
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 239-251

الشهادة الشفوية كمصدر لتاريخ الحركة الوطنية والثورة الجزائرية بين الإمكان والضوابط

الكاتب : أحمد بن يغزر .


The oral testimony is an important source for the history of events from here Jaeet importance of oral testimony in the history of Algerian National Movement and the revolution, for the year 1954-1962.an acceptance of testimony oral history as a source not only an option, but the methodology imposed by the logic of "document deficits" for knowledge of every need historical context and details.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Certificate Alhvoah- National Movement Algerian- revolution Algerian- historic document