algerian journal of environmental science and technology
Volume 3, Numéro 3, Pages 463-467

Inventaire Et Répartition Spatiale Des Ravageurs De L’olivier Au Lac De Réghaïa

Auteurs : Yahiaoui K .


The olive faces many pests (insects, fungi and bacteria), including the olive moth, the olive fly, black scale olive and olive psyllid. These pests can cause economically significant damage in the absence of any health intervention. For this, an inventory of enemies and auxiliary olive is made at Réghaia, Lake in order to know the different pests. The results from this study revealed the presence of the thirteen species of arthropods, seven fungi, a bacterium (Pseudomonas savastanoi), and four types of indeterminate lichens. Analysis of the results showed the existence of affinity-enemies of the attacked.

Mots clés

the olive; pests; Pseudomonas savastanoi;CFA .