Annales de l’université d’Alger
Volume 17, Numéro 1, Pages 7-39
الكاتب : بوكساني رشيد .
This study aimed to identify securities market. Capital through its divisions traded financial instruments and their role in economic activity so that we can search in the financial markets of emerging concepts and stages of evolution, some of the characteristics that distinguishes it from the rest of the international financial markets, which claimed 38 markets in the world in 13 Asia 12 in Latin America, 7in Africa and 6 in the Middle;. After rising wave of international financial liberalization and the trend towards openness to international markets through the elimination of restrictions on capital of all kinds,, the resulting implications for the emerging financial markets, which can be summed up in increased capitalization of emerging stock exchanges, and the liberalization of capital flows. As the integration of financial markets of the developed . emerging markets crises reflected on the one hand, economies and the economies of the rest of the world on the other hand
financial markets, emerging markets, financial instruments, financial flows, financial liberalization, crises Capital
بوسعدية مراد
علاوي محمد لحسن
ص 91-106.
مختاري عبد الجبار
زرقون محمد
ص 139-157.
بن بخمة سليمان
ريحان الشريف
ص 38-54.
مفتاح صالح
معارفي فريدة
ص 181-194.
خــــزان عبد الحفيظ
ص 93-120.