Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 57-66

الفلسفة والأدب: طلاق أم تكامل؟

الكاتب : عبد الجليل الأزدي .


Abstract It’s very important to mention that the question about the relationship between literature and philosophy still legal but , more than that, the primitive question before getting started talking about the nature of the relationship between those two schools ,no matter if these question may seem simple ,but, they are not trivial at all. Thus, philosophy questions are not indirect and also not taken for grantedso, is it considered as a “wise lover”? or as a “research of truth“? or just an extend of a branch of problems and questions , and an attempt to get them resolved? or as being an innovation of concepts? .does the meaning of philosophy its simplicity or its different and varied methods and its historical investigations by outing the obvious theory with an absolute appointment and selection? Then, after that, what’s literature? and how we may distinguish what belongs to it and what does not ,as it is known , the limits of this field are not precisely specified?and then when speaking or trying to speak about the nature of the relationship between philosophy and literature, which is the best course to adopt? The Erectile dysfunction approval and interfacial course standing on an arsenal of concepts,seeking the truth and all what is close to it? Or the course of perceptions which stands on the discourse improvements seeking only beauty? الملخص: من الموائم في البداية التنبيه على أن طرح سؤال العلاقة بين الأدب والفلسفة يبقى مشروعا تماما.لكن، أكثر، مواءمة من ذلك طرح بعض الأسئلة الأولية والضرورية قبل الشروع في الحديث عن طبيعة العلاقات القائمة والممكنة بين هاتين المؤسستين. ومهما بدت هذه الأسئلة بسيطة،ا غير تافهة؛ إذ أن سؤال الفلسفة لي ب سد يهيا ومفروغا منه.فهل ينظر إلى الفلسفة ك "محبة للحكمة"أم كبحث عن الحقيقة أم كبسط ﻟﻤﺠموعة

الكلمات المفتاحية

الكلمات المفتاحية: الأدب، الفلسفة، الخطاب، العقل، النص، الدلالة Key words: Philosophy, literature, raison, discourses, text, semantics.