مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا
Volume 16, Numéro 1, Pages 207-222

مدى مساهمة البرامج التنموية التي تبنتها الجزائر في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة بالإسقاط على الفترة الممتدة من 2001 إلى غاية 2019

الكاتب : العالية مناد . عاشور مزريق .


:Abstract When talking about adopting a concept of any country for the concept of sustainable development, it is necessary to return to the development programms that have been pursued in order to develop their economy and to know whether they take into account the dimensions of sustainable development. The objective of this research is to find out how the development programms have been adopted by Algeria during the period 2001 to 2019 has been contributed for the achievement of sustainable development in the country by addressing the following main problem: How much of the development programs have been adopted by Algeria contribute to achieve sustainable economic development The main themes of the study are: economic recovery programs for the study period, the theoretical framework for sustainable development, and the final assessment of the contribution of these programmes to achieve sustainable development. A number of results have been reached, notably: achieving a clear improvement in the most important indicators of sustainable development, but they .remain weak compared to the potential of the country and what is expected to achieve

الكلمات المفتاحية

Key words: economic recovery programs, economic development, sustainable development.