مجلة المواقف
Volume 16, Numéro 1, Pages 68-89

مرتكزات الليمس الروماني بمنطقة معسكر من القرن الأول إلى القرن الرابع الميلاديين

الكاتب : لخضر Fadel .


The region of Mascara became part of the Roman occupation’s attention since the beginning of the first century AD during the expansion of the Flavian sin the western part of the basin of the Valley of Chlef and the mountains of Ouarsenis or and ‘Dahra’. Such a special attention aimed to annex the mand thustaking profit from Mascara’s agricultural potentialas wel as its strategic location resulting thusin the establishment of a defensive line during the Antonine dynasty known as limes all along the northern slopes of Beni Chougrane.Its most important centers were Castra Nova (Muhammadia), Aquae Sirenses (Hammam Bouhanifia) and Tasaccura (Sig).It was followed by another massive military expansion campaign at the end of the second century AD under the Severian Dynasty to ward the south western west of Caesarean Maurétania, resulting in the establishment of other defense centers,also known as Severine Limes,that became real cities in the second century with its most important location in the camp of Al Benian (AlaMiliaria).

الكلمات المفتاحية

الليمس – السيفيريين- التحصينات –الأنطوننيين- الفلافيين-موريطانيا القيصرية-تراجانوس.