Revue Nature et Technologie
Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 27-32

The Energy Savings Potential Of Windows In The Office Buildings Sector:stateoftheart

Auteurs : Badeche Mounira . Bouchahm Yasmina .


In recent years glazed envelop has gained popularity in modern building practice throughout the world. The need to energy conservation and sustainable development in buildings is causing a new interest towards such typical envelop building. The construction of appropriate windows is important for reducing the energy use for heating, cooling and lighting in building, especially in office ones where internal gains may exceed the transmission losses. In this paper, existing studies on the topic of window opening are highlighted. A general process driving to the effects of the window on energy consumptions is identified, based on studies presented in literature. This approach is used to highlight how fenestration system affects energy consumption, thermal and visual comfort in office buildings. Authors pinpointed the lackof researches on the performance of glazed facades in hot-summer and cold winter zones. Whereas,some studies elaboratedin other climates reveal no similarities; therefore it is necessary to find a significant tool to help direct future research.

Mots clés

Fenestration system,Window to Wall Ratio (WWR),Glazing,Energy efficiency.