مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الفلسفية
Volume 4, Numéro 7, Pages 76-86

التدافع الحضاري: مفهومه و آلياته.

الكاتب : خديجة حسيني .


This study explains the concept of the collision between Islam and the western world as one of the divine laws which depicts the nature of the relationship between the varied forces of life. The study explained both positive and negative dimensions of the law, starting with integration and complementing and ending with collision and clash. It also made diverse horizons of realms of collision which include various human concerns that shape milestones of human civilization in this life such as cultural, scientific, social, and economic and so on. Furthermore, the study turned to the outstanding means through which it is possible to surface the law of collision to accomplish the objectives of its existence, as a law among the important laws of the universe, in the life of human beings in their interaction with the universe and religion. This study relied on the semantics of the Arabic language and its vocabulary, application of reason and reflection, guidance of Share‘ah and its written records, and data of ordinary life and its ups and downs in a theoretical way without exploring applicative details and field analysis. Therefore, this study is characterized with addressing the law of collision from general Islamic perspective to contribute as an integral and complimentary study to what has been previously accomplished in the field.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Civilization stampede - Islamic civilization - Western civilization