Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 09-13

Identité Culturelle Et Souffrance Identitaire : Le Cas De L’algérie.

Auteurs : Menasria Nabil . Hocine Fsian .


Abstract Cultural identity usually refers towhat the society can recognize.It isconstituted by allkind of modesand feelingsthat makesubjectsto look likesomeothers,sharing the sameroles,the same status, and the same beliefsasconstituting"us" to which they belongorwhich theyrefer.Inthis paper “Cultural IdentityandIdentitysuffering:the caseof Algeria”, this concept would be the sum of symbolic systems(language, myth, ideology)from whichindividuals andgroups organizetheir thinkingand acting, in order to know how to create and how communicate to each other.

Mots clés

Culture, Identity, history, Algerian Identity, French culture, language, ethnicity, nation, ideology, education.