مجلة أداء المؤسسات الجزائرية
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 91-104
الكاتب : كردي حنني فؤاد غالب .
The results of the study opposed the working reality of local Palestinian cooperative associations of various kinds as it came in contrary with the results of most previous studies that have been consulted and referred to. The results indicated that the administrative and financial performance of the olive presses cooperative associations operating in Salfeet Province was high, and the cooperative culture reality of members was also high and positive. In addition, the training operations carried out by the cooperative associations for their members were relatively high and positive. Overall, the results showed that the performance assessment of institutions working with cooperative associations was high. The study recommends the necessity to design specialized training programs related to the work of cooperatives. These cooperatives have to be followed and guided by competent and specialized authorities using modern methods, along with the application of transparency and accountability standards inside these cooperatives.
cooperative association, administrative performance, financial performance, salfeet Province, olive presses.
محمد عويد سالم
ص 13-32.
عوادي مصطفى
عمامرة ياسمينة
جابو سليم
ص 317-331.
بوطالبي معمر
زيتوني سايب
ص 143-162.