دفاتر السياسة والقانون
Volume 10, Numéro 18, Pages 73-82

دور الدفاع خلال مرحلة التحقيق الابتدائي في ظل قانون الإجراءات الجزائية الجزائري

الكاتب : بن عودة مصطفى .


The right of defense before the criminal courts is the most important of the ancient natural rights, which benefits from the protection of the fundamental national legislation and the conventions and external international treaties which benefit the humans whatever the accusation against him, which represents a guarantee against the abuse of power, it is a general right enjoyed by the citizen as well as abroad, one of the elements of criminal justice, because if society has the right to punishment, it is unfair to unfairly judge an innocent person.

الكلمات المفتاحية

criminal justice, right of defense, preliminary inquiry, interrogation, confrontation