مجلة البحوث العلمية والدراسات الإسلامية
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 285-308

من صفات القائد الناجح في سورة الفتح

الكاتب : عبدالماجد بن محمد ولي .


ملخص: إن المهارات القيادية مما يحتاج إليه الناس لتستقيم أمورهم، فإذا أردنا أن نفهم الجانب القيادي للشخصية؛ فلا بد أن ندرس الشخصية التاريخية العالمية الأبرز في هذا المجال وهي شخصية نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. فجاء هذا البحث لتجلية ما احتوت عليه سورة الفتح من الصفات والمهارات القيادية لنبينا الكريم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، ومن أبرز الصفات القيادية النبوية التي أشارت إليها سورة الفتح مع قصتها من السنة النبوية صفات أربع سأدرس كل واحدة منها في مبحث خاص. The leadership skills that people need to upright their affairs, if we want to understand the leadership side of the personality;, we must examine the flagship historical global character in this field, the figure of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Then this research came to shed light on what Surat Al-Fath contains from the leadership qualities and skills of the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and from the most prominent leadership qualities of the Prophet that surat Al-Fath referred to with its story from Sunnah four qualities and I will study each of them in special section.. And according to this the research plan came as follows The research consists of an introduction and preface, four sections and a conclusion Introduction: Statement of the importance of the topic and the reasons for its choice, and its writing method. Preface: shows that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the best example of role model and peacemaker. The first section: Quality of monotheism and obedience The second section: Quality of forbearance The third section: Quality of tolerance and forgiveness The fourth section: Quality of restraint and controlling behavior, and good decision-making in a timely manner Conclusion: The praise and praise to Almighty Allah for the completion of the search, then showing the most important findings and recommendations.

الكلمات المفتاحية

صفات ؛ القائد ؛ الناجح ؛ سورة الفتح ؛ القرآن Qualities; leader; successful; koran